A few minutes late, but man, this is good stuff.
YouTube - Public Enemy - By The Time I Get To Arizona (Thanks, Fipi Lele!)
- Free MP3: folk cover of Public Enemy's "Bring the Noise" - Boing Boing
- Boing Boing: Public Enemy's Internet strategy
- Public Enemy's history of copyright in hip hop - Boing Boing
- Boing Boing: Mashup up of Flaming Lips, MLK and Public Enemy
- Crossed Genres cover art featuring MLK as Terminator, KKK as girl ...
- Rare MLK speech on civil disobedience - Boing Boing
- Lost 1965 MLK sermon from Hollywood Synagogue - Boing Boing
- Video: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" - Boing Boing
- Martin Luther King, Jr. playlist - Boing Boing